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Good Friday - The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord - OLV National Shrine & Basilica
Good Friday 2021 - SOLEMN CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S PASSION from OLV National Shrine & Basilica
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion - April 2, 2021
OLV National Shrine & Basilica Weekly Mass on WGRZ
Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
Celebration of the Lord's Passion - LIVE from Ireland
Liturgy of the Lord's Passion - April 10, 2020
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Mass 4-2-21
Father Baker Historic Mass Footage 1933
Good Friday - Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Solemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Good Friday)
OLV National Shrine & Basilica - Father David LiPuma Holy Week Message